Tuesday, April 17, 2007

The 4th Dimension

1:15am. In the usual act of walking down Kelton, I find myself in an unusual context: covered in unusual clothing, surrounded by unusual silence, moving at an unusual pace, conjuring up unusual sentiments. Instead of a t-shirt, an untucked business suit; instead of striding, I strolled; instead of determination, relaxation; instead of inhaling sharp surges of alcohol, occasional whiffs of my own cologne; instead of obtrusive party music, I hear only the sound of my unhurried shoes meeting the unoccupied surfaces of the sidewalk...

click. clack. click. clack.

rhythmically imitating the subtle and irreversible footsteps of time:
click, moments cherished. clack, times wasted.
click, valuable encouragements. clack, empty words.
click, kindness extended. clack, selfishness paraded.
click, loving gesture. clack, hurtful behavior.
click, Christ honored. clack, self exalted.

click. clack. click. clack.

Time does not stop for you. This life will soon pass, only what is done for Christ will last.

"Redeem your time, because the days are evil.
So then do not be foolish, but understand what the will of Lord is."
-Ephesians 5:16-17

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